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Lisa in Motion

I've been thinking about making a dedicated photography portfolio/blog/forum for a while, but laziness and social media have gotten in the way. I finally deleted Instagram the other day, and now I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with.

To be honest, I am not very consistent with my hobbies, i.e. I can lose interest in something rather quickly. Therefore, when I picked up my first point-and-shoot film camera at the Brooklyn Flea in April 2023, I really did not think too much about it. I gave myself a few months to just play around with it, not knowing it would soon evolve into a full-fledged side quest. From Fujifilm Discovery 270 to Canon F-1, I have made some astonishing progress.

My goal here is not that complicated. I want to create a running record of my experiences & experiments with film photography. I like observing the world around me, and I want to share what I see in hopes that my work could resonate with others. But why film? The analogue, manual process of choosing, loading, composing film photos is the reason I couldn't get bored. The chemical process of photography revived my love for science in the form of art. The randomness of this process (as opposed to digital) keeps me on my toes. And the list goes on. So you see, there is a lot to be excited about here.

Honestly, I have not really pressed those shutters for that long. Today might be my one year anniversary with film photography. There is room for improvement. And I want to start formally documenting my work besides posting on Threads. Maybe one day I will show this to my kids so they think I'm cool (I'm not).


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